Classic Chicken and Dumplings

I can only remember eating Chicken and Dumplings a few times as a child and my husband doesn’t think it was ever served at his table. But my kids love biscuits and this seemed a good variation on Chicken Noodle Soup. We typically roast a whole local chicken when poultry is on the menu. SoContinue reading “Classic Chicken and Dumplings”

Fermented Carrots, Three Ways

Fermented food is getting its due these days, with more and more research showing the health benefits of eating probiotic and lacto-fermented foods. What does that mean, exactly? Well, that all your parents’ worries about keeping the food in the fridge and making sure mold never made an appearance in the kitchen were a miteContinue reading “Fermented Carrots, Three Ways”

How to Make More Local Food Choices

I have shared this graphic on social media and in my newsletter over the last few months. But the more I sit in meetings about how to connect eaters with local food growers and the more I write about why local food matters to me, the more I love what this graphic does: It quicklyContinue reading “How to Make More Local Food Choices”

8 Tips for a Healthier 2018

It’s January and we are pumped to eat salads, drop some pounds, get in shape, right? Well … if you’re like me, that’s a yes and a no. I definitely want to get back into my routine, to eat lighter than I have been and to move my body more. But it’s hard. The daysContinue reading “8 Tips for a Healthier 2018”

Pizza Dough Primer

  From-scratch pizza is pretty much a weekly occurrence in our house. It’s beloved by everyone, can be partly made ahead and takes less than 30 minutes from rolling out the dough to sitting down to dinner — all plusses in our busy day-to-day. It’s also a basic framework to eat whatever’s in season. RightContinue reading “Pizza Dough Primer”

Chicken Wings With Honey Yogurt Sauce

Wings are fun, festive, quick to make and delicious. Perfect as apps before your holiday party or as a simple dinner paired with mashed potatoes and salad. When my family last bought a batch of local chicken, we picked up six fresh whole chickens and cut them into parts before we froze them — ziplockContinue reading “Chicken Wings With Honey Yogurt Sauce”

Mashed Butternut Squash

We grow our own butternuts and often we buy them in bulk, as well. So you’d think we cooked these amazingly nutritious root veggies in all kinds of ways. But in reality, not so much. We do love this Thai Butternut Squash Soup. Occasionally, we’ll stuff and bake them. And they do wind up inContinue reading “Mashed Butternut Squash”

End-of-Season Cilantro Pesto

Like so many of my recipes, this one begins in the garden. First came an incredible stand of cilantro, the best we’ve ever grown, still going strong in October. Predictions of a frost sent me scrambling to snip and save and give away. I just couldn’t let this gorgeous green go to waste. But IContinue reading “End-of-Season Cilantro Pesto”

Pear Spice Muffins

Every fall I pick and buy local apples by the box. But this year when area farmers were offering pears in bulk, I decided to give them a try too. Let me say that it’s a little scary to haul home 25 pounds of Asian pears — or beautifully sweet carrots or luscious ears ofContinue reading “Pear Spice Muffins”

Autumn’s Apple Cabbage Slaw

I have a thing for slaw. It maybe has something to do with my love for salads. Slaw is simply a great way to toss together lots of seasonal veggies and have the whole taste even better than the parts. It keeps well in the fridge. It’s already dressed. Slaws are big hits at potlucks. ThisContinue reading “Autumn’s Apple Cabbage Slaw”