Red Beans and Rice

Roughly once a week, we eat Latin at our house: tacos or quesadillas, enchiladas, pork with spicy rubs. Although the red rice and beans of New Orleans — the version that most readily comes to mind — is not strictly Latin, rice and beans is a staple eaten throughout Latin America. We often serve itContinue reading “Red Beans and Rice”

Vegetarian Chili

Since I posted my Warm You Up Chili recipe, I’ve had several requests for the Chili-Cookoff-winning vegetarian version I mentioned. I made a batch of Vegetarian Chili this weekend — it was drizzly and gray and chili was just what the day ordered. It worked its magic as usual — filling the house with the satisfying smells of cuminContinue reading “Vegetarian Chili”


  When it’s cold out, there’s nothing that feeds the body and soul so well as a good hearty soup. And I’m not sure any soup fits the bill so well as Minestrone, an ancient Italian soup that includes pasta and beans, onions and tomatoes and whatever you’ve managed to put up from your summerContinue reading “Minestrone”