Chocolate Zucchini Cake

In a good summer, we grow zucchini, lots of zucchini. I love it baked into breaded rounds, diced and added to pasta or other veggie dishes, fried by the panful. But what I end up doing with most of what our garden grows is shredding the zucchini, tucking it into ziplocks stored in the deepContinue reading “Chocolate Zucchini Cake”

Grateful for Zucchini Galore

Growing zucchini can be tricky at our house. We have a small yard with a big garden and once we attract insects like squash bugs or squash vine borers, it’s tough to find a way to give our plants a pest-free zone. One year in an attempt to save them from the bugs overwintering in ourContinue reading “Grateful for Zucchini Galore”

Zucchini Parmesan Crisps

We don’t always have a stellar zucchini crop, but this year the plants delivered. So I’ve been searching for every and any way to cook our gorgeous green squash. These baked rounds were a hit at our house. Recipe inspired by The Food Network’s Ellie Krieger Makes 4 half-cup servings. Ingredients 2 medium zucchini (about 1Continue reading “Zucchini Parmesan Crisps”