Letting My Babies Grow

We were on a July canoe trip not so many years ago, paddling through rocky cliffs and sandy beaches and grassy fields, when we rounded a bend in the river and spied the big eyes and bright white spots of a frightened fawn. She was tucked into a little burrow in the bank, all alone, watchingContinue reading “Letting My Babies Grow”

Teens Gotta Talk … So I’m Letting Them School Me

Chillaxin’ at the dinner table with my husband, two teens and a tween goes something like this in these Corona Times: “Dude! These meatballs, though. They hit different.” “10 outta 10. Would eat again.” “Dopest dinner we’ve had all week, bruh.” And me, the English major, former newspaper copy editor and all around grammar policeContinue reading “Teens Gotta Talk … So I’m Letting Them School Me”

Scrapbooking By a Thread

You’ll find my fondest family memories on my phone Okay. Okay. I admit. I’ve got an OCD streak or two. The kitchen floor must be swept every night. Clothes drawers must be kept tidy. And after I’m done with a text thread, it’s deleted. No old messages cluttering up my phone.  Well … except one. ThatContinue reading “Scrapbooking By a Thread”