What inspires you? People? Places? Experiences?
Lately, I’ve sensed inspiration all around. Spring will do that to a girl. But also I’ve lately encountered wisdom-filled conversations and travel to thrumming cities. Like I said, inspiration everywhere.
So … time for a little sharing. First, my profile of a man who has been inspiring gardeners for decades. If you’ve ever felt like you just simply can’t recover from a loss, you need to read this ….
Click here for the story of Paul James, a rock-star of a rhododendron grower whose life and land are at a crossroads.
Next, I am newly back from New York City (Did you miss me?) and feeling so invigorated by the incredible markets they have there — fish, produce, bread. As well as the amazing street food — Peruvian, Jamaican, Middle Eastern. Everywhere, delicious ethnic food. Drool….
Here, a few photos from The Lobster Place Seafood Market and Sarabeth’s Bakery, both in the incredible food paradise that is Chelsea Market.
Also, three cherished recipes, good anytime of year — chocolate zucchini cake, chicken pot pie and my favorite not-too-sweet pumpkin bread.
Finally, a quick hello and welcome to all those who are perhaps tuning in for the first time. Click here to read my introductory post. I hope you’ll spend some time perusing the 70-plus recipes that are archived on the site already.
Now it’s your turn: I’d love to hear what you are cooking up these days. Are you as excited about eating from the garden again as I am? Anyone out there growing a flat of micro-greens? What’s your favorite ethnic food?
Thanks so much for reading. See you again next week.