Bacon Rosemary Corn Pudding

Corn is a popular side dish at our house, with corn soufflĂ©, corn chowder, and cornbread all favorites. In choosing menus for holiday meals this year, we came across this gem, which we made, then promptly gobbled up, my mostly vegetarian youngest eating it as her main dish on more than one occasion (while pickingContinue reading “Bacon Rosemary Corn Pudding”

Stromboli Sandwiches

Mid-winter days are when a hearty bowl of soup or tray of comforting lasagna is what my body craves. While I’m trying to hit the Vitamin C and the leafy greens hard, I also think there’s something to be said for a filling meal to stave off the dark and chill. We eat our shareContinue reading “Stromboli Sandwiches”