Cookie Fever

  Honestly, I’m not sure what’s gotten into me. It’s June and my garden is up and growing. I’ve got leafy greens winding down, raspberries coming in, zucchini flowers begging for me to sauté them. But somehow I keep reaching for my large mixing bowl and reflexively softening two sticks of butter. Yes, it’s cookie-making that keepsContinue reading “Cookie Fever”

Strawberry Balsamic Jam

I make and can strawberry jam most years. It’s a great way to preserve berries that all ripen at once. We eat the jam on peanut butter sandwiches, in jam bar cookies and sometimes just straight from the jar. We also give it as gifts. This year, for my first batch, I used my friend Laura Latham’sContinue reading “Strawberry Balsamic Jam”

Jam Bars

These have to be one of my most requested cookies — and one of my healthiest dessert recipes. Made from our homemade jam, oats and whole wheat pastry flour, they boast protein and fruit and not so much sugar. But my kids don’t care about that. They like them for their buttery, naturally sweet taste.Continue reading “Jam Bars”