Tropical Green Smoothie

We have been on a bit of a smoothie kick ever since my husband ordered a new kitchen toy for Christmas. But with nutrient-rich ingredients like spinach, sprouts and ginger, and a delicious flavor to boot, who wouldn’t be stirring up smoothies? This blend of green and sweet will definitely have you revving up theContinue reading “Tropical Green Smoothie”

Kale Smoothie

One of kale’s super powers is that it’s pretty easy to grow. Another is that once you’ve got a stand, it’s not going anywhere. Kale can survive freeze, drought, even some hot stretches. Which means you’ve sometimes got to get creative at finding ways to eat it. Kale chips are good. Kale is great inContinue reading “Kale Smoothie”

Fruit Smoothies

I LOVE smoothies. My kids LOVE smoothies. I mean, really, who doesn’t love smoothies? I once kept a whole cookbook devoted to smoothies on my shelf. But I quickly realized that the beauty of a smoothie is that you don’t need a recipe. Just a few guidelines, maybe, and a willingness to taste and adjust asContinue reading “Fruit Smoothies”