Autumn’s Apple Cabbage Slaw

I have a thing for slaw. It maybe has something to do with my love for salads. Slaw is simply a great way to toss together lots of seasonal veggies and have the whole taste even better than the parts. It keeps well in the fridge. It’s already dressed. Slaws are big hits at potlucks. ThisContinue reading “Autumn’s Apple Cabbage Slaw”

Curried Parsnip and Apple Soup

Soup might be my very favorite way to eat parsnips, a root vegetable that’s cousin to a carrot and so much tastier than a potato. The texture of the softened parsnip purees nicely into a bowl full of creamy goodness. The apples in this bring out the parsnips’ sweet side and the curry complements itContinue reading “Curried Parsnip and Apple Soup”

Quinoa and Brown Rice Baked Apples

  Baked apples have always been a fun way to eat dessert. Each eater has her own contained serving filled with warm, oozing deliciousness. Why, I wondered, can’t we do the same with dinner? There are a few recipes out there, mostly stuffing an apple shell with onions and sausage and sage. But I wasContinue reading “Quinoa and Brown Rice Baked Apples”

Simple Slow Cooker Applesauce

This recipe couldn’t be easier. But you wouldn’t believe how many people ooh and ahh over homemade applesauce. It’s so different from anything you pour from a jar. Following these steps will give you a sauce that lets the many, lovely flavors of apples truly shine — the cinnamon only works to bring out theContinue reading “Simple Slow Cooker Applesauce”

Apple Oat Scones

For the month of September I search and tasted and tested, every apple combination I could think of. I wish I could say they were all delicious. (They weren’t.) But this recipe was like: Walk away before you eat them all. People grabbed them for breakfasts, lunch boxes, snacks and desserts. I’m sure it helpedContinue reading “Apple Oat Scones”

Doe Creek Farm Apple Pie

I recently wrote a magazine story about Georgia Haverty, who worked on her family’s apple farm in the early ‘80s and then returned to her land in the beautiful Virginia mountains in 2011 to start a pick-your-own operation. When I showed up to interview her, she was making crockpot apple butter and had a loaf ofContinue reading “Doe Creek Farm Apple Pie”

Peach Crisp

This is the recipe that almost didn’t come to be. I feel like I’ve been working on it all summer and only now have I circled around to something I’m happy with. It began with an old family recipe, one I’d made many times, a cobbler that I remember adoring as a child. But whenContinue reading “Peach Crisp”

Mixed Greens and Berry Salad

I created this recipe to hand out to participants of a class I taught on surprising ways to eat your berries. It was a hit. The biggest takeaway might have been how pleasing it is to mix all kinds of bold flavors in with your spinach or lettuce. Yes to arugula and to mustard andContinue reading “Mixed Greens and Berry Salad”

Linguine with Garden Herbs and Clams

We are seafood fans in our house, but we are also well-aware of how fragile the edible ocean is these days. For more than a decade, I’ve been referring to my Monterrey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Guide to help me find environmentally friendly seafood. In the past several years, as eating local has become my guiding principal,Continue reading “Linguine with Garden Herbs and Clams”

Greens, Glorious Greens

As we march through Spring, past the asparagus and the strawberries, waiting patiently for zucchini canoes and tomato globes, we find ourselves in the months of greens. At our house, it begins with kale and spinach — those cold-hardiest of veggies. We often have an early crop of lettuce, too, thanks to our trusty cold frame. ThisContinue reading “Greens, Glorious Greens”