Corn Fritters with Honey-Bacon Drizzle

This summer, I became immersed in the world of honey. It began with my reporting on a magazine story about backyard beekeepers, which then led to lessons in how honey is made and why it’s been a treasured food for millennia. Did you know there are more than 300 documented varieties of honey in theContinue reading “Corn Fritters with Honey-Bacon Drizzle”

Pesto Cheese Straws

This was a banner year for the basil in our garden, so of course I set out to make as much pesto as I could. But while my food processor whirred and whirred week after week, I began to wonder about the different ways to eat all this green goodness. Yes, we mix it withContinue reading “Pesto Cheese Straws”

Asian Peanut Sauce

When I first began making this sauce, there was no way my toddlers were going to embrace it or the veggies I usually serve it with. But as they’ve grown bigger and less picky, this has become a go-to in our house. The peanut butter is a familiar flavor and the red pepper flakes canContinue reading “Asian Peanut Sauce”

Baba Ganoush

I’m realizing as I compile this online recipe collection that I owe so many of my favorite recipes to my garden. If I’d never grown tomatillos or okra or sun chokes, I would have likely never cooked with them. And even if I had picked up a few at the farmers market and made myContinue reading “Baba Ganoush”

Easy From-Scratch Brownies

I think I was in my 20s before I realized a person could make brownies without a mix. They were a dessert I fixed often in my teens, following the instructions on the back of the box. And they were good. Today’s boxed brownies are even better — a vast array of flavors, layer options, organic versions, youContinue reading “Easy From-Scratch Brownies”

Touch of Honey Granola

As good as oats and nuts and cinnamon and coconut are, the not-so-secret ingredient that makes this granola the one you’ll keep coming back to is the honey. The golden elixir that’s been wooing eaters for millennia plays a starring role in this dish, expertly blending so many flavors, subtly sweetening this long list of ingredients withoutContinue reading “Touch of Honey Granola”

Garden Ratatouille

I did not grow up eating ratatouille, but it’s one of those dishes I’ve been making for as long as I’ve been raising my own veggies. It’s a great way to toss your garden into a cast iron pot and call it dinner. Once you’ve chopped all your ingredients, you’re pretty close to done. But, ahhh, thatContinue reading “Garden Ratatouille”


As much as I love my chilled cucumber soup, you’d think I’d be a long-time fan of gazpacho. But, in truth, not so much. There are so many ways to stir up tomatoes that I’d never felt compelled to turn them into a cool dinnertime slush. But the heat this summer has made me reconsider.Continue reading “Gazpacho”

Tangy Tomato and Cucumber Salad

This is a simple salad but oh-so-good. The pucker of the vinegar, the heat of the jalapeño, the cool of the cucumber and the sweet of the just-a-touch of sugar hit pretty much every taste sensation out there. There’s even a little soy sauce to curb your umami craving. In summer, when the cukes andContinue reading “Tangy Tomato and Cucumber Salad”

Crispy Peanut Butter Cookies

  These cookies are among my most requested — both by my own kids looking for a favorite lunchbox treat and by friends who taste them and then want the recipe. A basic recipe (no chocolate or other fancy add-ons), the proportions create a cookie that is crunchy and flavorful. For the best results, choose a peanut butterContinue reading “Crispy Peanut Butter Cookies”