Honey-Curry Chicken Breasts

Honey is a wonderful addition to sauces and glazes especially for pork and chicken. This sweet and spicy marinade will light up your taste buds — and make your house smell divine. Serve with a scoop of wild rice. Recipe adapted from Taste of Honey by Marie Simmons. Serves 4 Ingredients  3⁄4 cup honey (tryContinue reading “Honey-Curry Chicken Breasts”

Corn Fritters with Honey-Bacon Drizzle

This summer, I became immersed in the world of honey. It began with my reporting on a magazine story about backyard beekeepers, which then led to lessons in how honey is made and why it’s been a treasured food for millennia. Did you know there are more than 300 documented varieties of honey in theContinue reading “Corn Fritters with Honey-Bacon Drizzle”

Pesto Cheese Straws

This was a banner year for the basil in our garden, so of course I set out to make as much pesto as I could. But while my food processor whirred and whirred week after week, I began to wonder about the different ways to eat all this green goodness. Yes, we mix it withContinue reading “Pesto Cheese Straws”

Asian Peanut Sauce

When I first began making this sauce, there was no way my toddlers were going to embrace it or the veggies I usually serve it with. But as they’ve grown bigger and less picky, this has become a go-to in our house. The peanut butter is a familiar flavor and the red pepper flakes canContinue reading “Asian Peanut Sauce”

Baba Ganoush

I’m realizing as I compile this online recipe collection that I owe so many of my favorite recipes to my garden. If I’d never grown tomatillos or okra or sun chokes, I would have likely never cooked with them. And even if I had picked up a few at the farmers market and made myContinue reading “Baba Ganoush”

Easy From-Scratch Brownies

I think I was in my 20s before I realized a person could make brownies without a mix. They were a dessert I fixed often in my teens, following the instructions on the back of the box. And they were good. Today’s boxed brownies are even better — a vast array of flavors, layer options, organic versions, youContinue reading “Easy From-Scratch Brownies”

Touch of Honey Granola

As good as oats and nuts and cinnamon and coconut are, the not-so-secret ingredient that makes this granola the one you’ll keep coming back to is the honey. The golden elixir that’s been wooing eaters for millennia plays a starring role in this dish, expertly blending so many flavors, subtly sweetening this long list of ingredients withoutContinue reading “Touch of Honey Granola”

Time for Tomatoes

I always forget how long it takes to grow a good tomato. The first ones begin blushing sometime at the end of June, if you’re lucky. But it’s usually well into July before the bounty arrives. And when I look back, it’s typically August or September when we can our dozens of jars of marinara. That’sContinue reading “Time for Tomatoes”

Garden Ratatouille

I did not grow up eating ratatouille, but it’s one of those dishes I’ve been making for as long as I’ve been raising my own veggies. It’s a great way to toss your garden into a cast iron pot and call it dinner. Once you’ve chopped all your ingredients, you’re pretty close to done. But, ahhh, thatContinue reading “Garden Ratatouille”


As much as I love my chilled cucumber soup, you’d think I’d be a long-time fan of gazpacho. But, in truth, not so much. There are so many ways to stir up tomatoes that I’d never felt compelled to turn them into a cool dinnertime slush. But the heat this summer has made me reconsider.Continue reading “Gazpacho”